It is our belief that our products are the best quality products available and a distinct value for our valued customers. We have always believed in giving customers the best quality products at the best price possible. We further believe that in providing you with quality products, we not only build up our business, but we also assist you in being successful and satisfied as well.
We take great pride in the quality and integrity of all our meat products. You can rest assured that everything that can be done on our end to assure quality and safety is a top priority. Our father who founded the original Didier Meats in 1964 always said that, “Freshness is our most important product.” We still adhere to that motto.
If you are a present customer, or if you are a prospective customer, we would welcome the opportunity to speak with you regarding the advantages of purchasing all of your meat products from Tim Didier Meats – a trusted name for quality and service!