Freshness is our most important product.

That's not just our motto. We don't cut corners on quality. Ever.
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Our Fresh Quality products

What quality means to us

It is our belief that our products are the best quality products available and a distinct value for our valued customers. We have always believed in giving customers the best quality products at the best price possible. We further believe that in providing you with quality products, we not only build up our business, but we also assist you in being successful and satisfied as well.

  • Our processing plant is a state inspected facility. We have an inspector on the premises daily.
  • Our health/safety record pertaining to our ground products is impeccable - we have never had a health-related complaint.
  • We grind over 10,000 pounds of ground beef per week.
  • All of our ground beef is ground fresh DAILY. Nothing is put in the freezer to be delivered another day – unless you specifically ask for it to be frozen.
  • We deliver our product daily (Monday through Friday) – fresh to your door.
  • We package everything to your unique specifications. We can vacuum seal your product if you desire.
  • We have three blends of ground beef available (in bulk or patties): 90/10 (Tim’s Finest), 85/15, and 80/20.
  • Ground beef patties are available from 2 oz. to 10 oz
  • Our prices are competitive. Although we may be a bit higher in price than some of the larger manufacturers, we believe that we make up for that in quality, service, and peace of mind for you.

We take great pride in the quality and integrity of all our meat products. You can rest assured that everything that can be done on our end to assure quality and safety is a top priority. Our father who founded the original Didier Meats in 1964 always said that, “Freshness is our most important product.” We still adhere to that motto.

If you are a present customer, or if you are a prospective customer, we would welcome the opportunity to speak with you regarding the advantages of purchasing all of your meat products from Tim Didier Meats – a trusted name for quality and service!

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Contact Us

3205 North Wells Street
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808
Phone: (260) 482-8400
Fax:: (260) 483-2416
Toll Free:: (888) 482-8401